Dati societari

Dima Cosmetics srl
capitale sociale €100.000
NUM REA MC 178648

Sede legale: Via D. Annibali 31/L – 62100 Macerata (MC)
Sede operativa e amministrativa: Via G. Galilei 80 - 63811 Sant’Elpidio a Mare (FM)
P.I. 01754190435
codice fattura elettronica: W7YVJK9
Pec: dimacosmeticssrl@pec.it

Sospensione spedizioni shop online

To avoid delays during the holidays and to provide the best service possible, the shipments are postponed to January 7th.

The shipping service of the online orders is discontinued from December 20th 2024 to January 6th 2025 included.