Live a new way of coloring and enjoy a new color experience.
The Color Gourmet Experience
If your desire is to transform the color service into an experience to be savored, you cannot give up The Color Gourmet Experience: the complete wellness treatment path for scalp and hair to be experienced with every coloring for an unforgettable experience and complete nutritional support for all hair types.
The Jean Paul Mynè color system is an experiential journey to fulfill every chromatic desire in total comfort for you and your hair. Living color in the salon will never be the same again. The utmost gentleness on hair and scalp for astonishing results, excellent coverage performance, maximum intensity of reflection, and healthier and more beautiful hair.
A new color experience
Choose your style.
Healthy food for your hair
An experiential journey into the world of coloring
Step 1
The coloring restores the structure during the exposure time thanks to the power of Oxilock Plasma technology.
A gourmet color experience that will revolutionize your way of living color in the salon. A functional and nutritional coloring system characterized by the freedom of mixing.